Looking at weather.com for Innsbruck, the starting point of my planned next 2 hut to hut treks, it said rain for the next 4 days, so I decided to go toVienna for the first time. I used the first of 5 days of travel I have on a flexipass train pass for Switzerland and Austria. It was 2 hours by train to Bern where I had a 3 hour layover. Bern is a cool town, medieval cobblestone streets, fountains and clock towers, a river runs through it, but it was Sunday and everything was closed. There was an open market with many eastern europeans selling everything. I used the internet to reserve a hostel. It was another hour to Zurich then 8 hours to Vienna, arriving at 10:30PM.
On the train was a 17 year old Austrian girl who spent a year in Ohio, and visited friends on Shoreline Drive in Santa Barbara, she couldnt believe I was from there. Across from me was a young man who was from Neustift, Austria, the starting p0int of my planned next trek. He worked at the Innsbrucke hut where I was planning to stay, and told me of a klettersteig there, the hut rents the equipment. Everyone said 'Kleine welt, gell?' = 'Small world, isnt it?'. The train ride was lovely, going through St. Anton and Innsbrucke, along a valley with ruins of castles in the hills. Who built those castles? Were they ever attacked? I got a 4 euro coffee on the train, using euros Kim gave me. We went by the Otz valley, where I took my family on a car camping trip in 2004. I got no sleep at the hostel, with snorers and a room overlooking a busy street.
A great day! I rented a bike for 20 euros X 1.3 = $26, got a train ticket for $35 and rode to Melk. I first visited a very impressive Benedictine abbey, with a tremendous library and church, built in baroque and rococo style. Then it was a 23 mile ride to Krems along the Danube, passing through medieval villages and grape growing vineyards. Durnstein was particularly impressive, with old castle ruins to explore, where Richard the Lion Hearted was imprisoned in 1192. Terrific views from that old castle! I didnt eat all day so particularly enjoyed a chicken kabob for just $4. Took a train from Krems back to the hostel where I got a new room, with 4 Aussie girls and a guy and a shared bathroom.
Just another church interior along the way
The monastery in Melk had this runner painting!
The ancient library at the monastery, with thousands of books, note the telescope and globes
Another beautiful church
In one medieval church I peered through a locked window and saw this
Across the river were the ruins of this medieval castle. Who built it? Was it ever attacked?
Not sure what giant palace this was across the Danube from near Melk, Austria
Durnstein was a very cool medieval village
Here is a 360 degree video of Durnstein and its castle ruins, where Richard the LionHearted was imprisoned in 1192:
On a cold foggy day I jogged to the Schonbrunn palace nearby the hostel:
Emperor Frans Josef and Maria Theresa lived here, the rooms were elaborate like Versailles, marble and jewels everywhere. I ran around the beautiful gardens for an hour, and could not get my legs tired, until the end. I felt great! I showered back at the hostel then metroed to downtown. You know Im a mountain man, but I surprised myself and really like Vienna. Its full of monuments, beautiful ornamental buildings, statues, churches, museums. Around every corner is a new wonder. I was looking lost and an older Austrian woman stopped and showed me around the area for an hour. I was able to communicate with her effectively in German! I didnt know I could do that until then. Finally those 3 courses at SBCC and adult ed were working!.
Here are some Vienna, Austria pictures:
St. Stephens Cathedral
In honor of Dad and Joyce's suggestion, I got tickets to an orchestra! I heard the Vienna Hofburg Orchestra perform Strauss and Mozart, accompanied by 5 world class opera singers. It was great! It cost $50. Each singer had a different personality. They sang duets and solos and all together. My favorite was Strauss' 'blue danube waltz', do you know it? I've been whistling it for days. There were 40 musicians and an 800 person audience in the Hofburg Palace room, where for 300 years they have been performing, including Mozart and the Strauss family.
Internet cafe closing! maybe next time I can upload this song!
I went to all the museums I could in my last day here. first the Roman museum, Vienna started as a roman fort 0 to 300AD. Great 3D videos showed what life was like then. Then St. Peters Church, my favorite in Vienna, where I lit a candle for Grandma Doodie, like I have been doing in European churches since she died. Soon tears came to my eyes and I was crying outside the church, thinking about her, because it is only because of her I am here. I am still so sad I was not there for her when she died. Then the Salzkammer Jewels museum, where I was very interested in the crowns, I must be an emperor wanna-be or some past King. Then I metroed to the Danube island, 20 miles long where people jog and bike, it was deserted in the fog. Then the Belvedere palace, built by Prince Eugene (my middle name!), a hunchback with buck teeth from a common family, who after 10 years in the military became the head of the Austrian military, and defeated 5 different armies, mostly Turkish and French. He became a wealthy man and lived to age 70, and built these 2 palaces which are now museums. It had the worlds largest Gustav Klimt collection, including `the kiss`which i really liked. We saw a Klimt with Dad and Joyce in Los Angeles this year. The museum did not allow cameras.
A crown at the Austrian Jewels Museum:
I was pretty tired by 4PM and had not eaten all day. So I had a schnitzel and large salad at my favorite local restaurant for only $7, a meal that would cost $20 in Switzerland. I used a washing machine to wash clothes! What bliss! Im in a 4 bed room, with a 46 year old Aussie from Hobart, a Brazilian and a German, we are buddies already.
Hey Kev!
ReplyDeleteYour new Alpine Bliss presentation is wonderful! I looked through all the commentary and pictures, and when I worked my way to the end I kept going and watched the earlier part of the trip again. All of your photos are excellent, and the videos are a lively addition.
I note that this is your 13th Europe trip, but your first visit to Vienna, which I visited once with Mike and once with Joyce. I am not surprised that even though you are a mountain man you enjoyed this great city. You seemed to have experienced more of it than I did in two trips.
Your Vienna report is preceded by a description of the long train trip via Bern. Kleine Welte! to meet someone who knew Shoreline Drive and another who worked at your (no sleep) hostel. The 23-mile bike ride from Melk to Krems adds yet another mode of transportation to your list. The self-portrait of you and your bike reflected multiple times in a mirror is special! So too were the photos of church interiors and the ancient library in a monastery, the excellent castles, and the 360 deg. view of Durnstein. Incidently, if you look up my name, Richard, in a book of names you will often find it is linked to "Lion-Hearted" (Kevin means handsome).
I remember the Schoenbrunn Palace particularly well because of the picture on the wall I took of Joyce standing (not running around) in the gardens on our visit there in 1980. I am sure Joyce will be as delighted as I was to learn that you had the experience of hearing Mozart and Strauss performed by the Vienna Symphony and operatic voices in the Hofburg Palace.
I wish we had seen the Klimts in the Belvedere Palace, but we didn't know about Klimt back in those days.
What fun to cash in your German language studies in Austria and find out you can actually handle your end of a conversation.
May you find even more bliss.
Love from Dad
Kevin, great blog entries. I picked up your girls from LAX last night. See my comments down a few entries, I added some news after JR's comments to you.
ReplyDeleteWhat's with the skulls???? Freaky.
Hey Dad!
ReplyDeleteAmber and I just got back from Hawaii! It was awesome, we have lots to tell you. Jeni was great! We chilled on black sand beaches, swam with sea turtles, snorkeled with hundreds of different colored fish, opened lots of coconuts with machetes, tried fruit I had never even heard of, kayaked in sea coves, rested in warm ponds, hiked through an active volcano and saw lava, and have a special dolphin story!
But anyway, back to you! Awesome blog, seriously, I know how how time consuming it is, unless you found a faster way to upload photos than I did.
Im glad you like Vienna, and you are learning to appreciate european cities! I loved the Durnstein pictures! When do you get back? Keep having fun! We drive Ambee to Santa Cruz on Thursday, to her house near the beach!
Hi Dad!
ReplyDeleteYou are such a great traveler, seeing everything, exposing yourself to new places with an open mind. I was pleasantly surprised to read that you paid to see a concert! Good for you! I would have liked to see it with you. :P
Your pictures rock. You have a good eye for photography. Those skulls are creepy! I like the runner painting too. And the action shots of opera singers, nice job!
Yup, Kim and I got home late last night, and I have a few days to get organized before I go back to school, i'm excited!
I'm going to blog some Hawaii photos today, www.youngslug.blogspot.com.
Love love love,